Drake Middle School

12550 W. 52nd Avenue

Arvada, CO 80002


Elementary School

According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2015 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 25% of home buyers listed school quality and 20% listed proximity to schools as deciding factors in their home purchase. 

Whether or not you have school-age children, the quality of nearby schools can have an impact on how much you
​pay — and how much you sell a home for later.

Here are the local schools in the west Arvada area. For school performance, demographics, and other information can be found on the Colorado Department of Education's SchoolView Data Center.

Middle School

West Woods Elementary School

16650 W. 72nd Ave

Arvada, CO 80007


Jefferson County School District R-1 is a school district in Jefferson County, Colorado. Click here to learn more about Jeffco Public Schools

Ralston Valley Senior High School

13355 West 80th Avenue 
Arvada, CO 80005


High School

Learn more about Jeff Public Schools


​​West Woods Real Estate